There are two types of Social Security Disability:
- RSDI or Retirement Survivors Disability Insurance, and
- SSI or Supplemental Security Income.
If you have worked and paid into the Social Security System and have been disabled for one (1) year or longer, or your condition is so severe that it will result in death, you can file a RSDI Disability Claim.
If you have not paid anything into the Social Security System, but have no resources, you can still file a SSI Disability Claim.
- Your earnings record determines how much in Social Security Disability you get per month.
- Your dependents are also eligible for Social Security Disability benefits.
- All attorney fees are determined by the Social Security Administration and are contingent upon receiving a favorable decision. If there is no recovery, there are no fees.
If you have already filed a Social Security Disability Claim and been denied you must act now. There are deadlines for filing Appeals. Call toll-free 1-800-4-INJURED (1-800-446-5873) or contact us by email to get prompt professional help.