Our clients were surprised to learn that a family relative died and left her entire estate, valued in excess of $2,000,000 to two distant relatives. The deceased had suffered from dementia and paranoid schizophrenia for a long time. We represented the potential heirs in a claim of Undue Influence and Elder Abuse. We recovered over $750,000 after estate taxes.
Our client, a citizen of a foreign country and a world-class wake-boarder, was injured while a passenger in an automobile that went out of control and crashed. Our client sustained a fractured skull and exhibited symptoms of traumatic brain injury. The defendants contested the nature and extent of the head injury. However, after substantial effort, we were able to settle the case for amount in excess of $250,000.
Our clients ran a stop sign and collided with motor home. Our clients sustained diverse injuries, including paraplegia. The family turned to us after having the case rejected by several prominent law firms. After a thorough investigation and complex litigation, we were able to collect in excess of $750,000 from numerous defendants, including the county and state.
We represented the family of a truck driver who was killed when his tractor-trailer rig overturned on a highway. The ongoing litigation resulted in a $1.3 million settlement, one of the highest in Sutter County history.
We represented independent groups of emergency room doctors against all the major health insurance companies & HMOs and recovered in excess of $2.5 million on their behalf.
We represented a young man who lost his spleen as a result of a car accident. We recovered in excess of $700,000 on his behalf.
We represented a young woman who suffered facial scarring and the loss of her gall bladder as the result of car accident. We recovered $565,000 on her behalf.
10960 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1225
Los Angeles, California 90024
(818) 461-9933
Toll Free: 1-800-4-INJURED
Fax: 818-995-4094
Email: info@clginfo.com